Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Life in Bundy

I got a call to head up North for a few days to spend some time with Lyndon Wake and Jayce Robinson.
Cameras, Laptops and not enough clothes and I was off on a trip to Bundoran.

What started as a 3-4day trip got extended and extended and is now at 11 and counting. Pretty Exciting stuff. It has been great to get in the water with the new housing and learn more and more.
Living with the boys has been good fun too. I haven't been kicked out yet either which is great. We've had a few different people pop in including Oli Adams, Tom Butler and filmier Luke Pilbeam has been doing an edit for the boys too.
Its been a week filled with lots of waves, cold water missions, PingPong championships, nights out, early mornings and lots of healthy eating that i'm not used to.. :)
Happy days in the house of Lords.

Heres two of many shots from the last 10 days.

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