Friday, February 25, 2011

The Storm..

Storms are in general a scary unknown force.. Some come at night and are heard not seen but leave a trail of destruction. Some can offer moments of pure magic where nature shows its true power and visage but throws in flash of beauty all in one sharp instant.
However.. Some storms are not caused by wind, rain or any other form of natures power but by man himself. This is a storm that really scares me and not in the "bogey man in my closet" way but more with shock and bewilderment.
Its a storm that gathers momentum everywhere it goes and works fast..very fast. Driven by money and publicity..

The Storm i am talking about is The Media Storm.
I am and we as the photographers and filmmakers, are all guilty of getting caught in these storms at some point. Its not a bad thing, its just something that happens and you must learn and escape from.
Its a nasty nasty place to get stuck and i wish it on no one.

Some people who get jammed in this place might not even know they are there. They cruise around in a daze looking for more ways to make money and be publicized. There passion for art and the experience, if it was ever there, has burned out.

Before the session is even over they are thinking about how many images they can sell, how many places they can post them on the internet and how many likes they will get on Facebook.
Instead of thinking about how lucky they are to have witnessed and shared a moment like that with friends.. How much they have learned and experienced.. How fortunate they are that mother nature has provided an artists playing ground for them..
I often force myself to stop mid session when its big and just put down the camera and gazed at a set roll by.. Just to take it in.. Why am i here?? Is it to take photos and become a millionaire?? No...

I take photos because i want to capture nature and humans clashing in a moment of unique flare, I want to share my images,  I want to go on adventures with my friends..

I want to live.. Not profit..

Benjamin Sanchis almost coming a bit too close to all of mother natures power.. 
This guy knows how to do a bottom turn thats for sure.. 

Monday, February 14, 2011

Big Perfect Mully!!

I have been knee deep in editing since i left Mullaghmore on Sunday..
It was magical!!
I will do a proper post once all the hipe and madness is over..
I just said id post up some teasers..

Much respect Mullaghmore!!! 

Monday, February 7, 2011

Leave me wanting more!!

You know its been an amazing weekend when the bad shots are still good..
Spent all weekend driving up and down the coast with Ollie Flaherty..
Lads been working hard and its paying off.. I have too many shots from this weekend.. Buuzzinn!!!

I think i saw the best set of waves i have ever seen break in Ireland this weekend.. Without a single piece of water out of place rolling across the reef.. 
In love with this new spot.. 
Roll on more swell!! 

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Few from last weekend..

These were taken at Clems house!! yeeaoooww Clem!! 

Last one looks pretty cool... Splashy Fun!!!