Tuesday, January 3, 2012

awake and dreaming is moving...

Absolutely delighted with the new website.
Check it out and leave me a msg on the contact page if you like.

As for awake and dreaming...

It feels like the Blog is leaving its home and I guess it is. It's leaving the birth place, the home it grew up in and is moving to a much fancier home at http://davidolsthoorn.net/

Id like to say once more a massive thank you to everyone who has read this blog. Its been an absolute pleasure to have an audience to the mumble jumble I write. I really really enjoyed adding content to this blog and cant wait to continue on the new. I still love to pick out a blog from months back and read it. Its like having a diary or a timeline of my life for the last year. A year that has been a massive massive year for my photography.
The blog does not have a title on the new website so I guess awake and dreaming is just going to have to stay her. So with just under 15,000 views this blog is done.

I feel like i'm breaking up with my Blog. Im not!! I just bought you a new home thats all.
So from now on head over HERE to check out the Blog.

Thanks everyone!

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